Let's be Friends!

becozi giant knitting chunky yarn

They say everything is better with friends. Whether it's a dinner on the town, a trip to the movie theater or a quiet gathering at home, community is what makes us feel like we belong, like we are a part of a bigger whole. 

Here at BeCozi we are also a community. Despite many of us hailing from different states or even countries, there is one thing that unites us - our love for the art and pleasure of Hand knitting. We were all brought together by beautiful chunky yarns, and here we are, connecting with each other because of our love to Hand Knitting! 

When you shop at BeCozi you also enter another type of community - our Family and Friends Plan. The plan is a way for us to give back to you, our customers, and thank you for being a part of the BeCozi family. 

The Family and Friends Plan is a loyalty program where you receive discounts on our products as a thank you for shopping with us. 

After you make your first purchase with us, you receive a letter with your order welcoming you to the Plan with a coupon for 5% off your next purchase. This coupon is also shareable with whoever you wish to give a gift. Sharing is caring, after all. 

After your second purchase you receive another coupon, in a letter with your second order, this time for 10% off to shop with us. This second coupon is yours for all your future purchases, meaning you get 10% off every time you shop with us. Please note only one coupon can be used at a time.

Last January we introduced a new discount: 15% off for those customers who had 20 and more orders: thank you for being our loyal customers!

Our Family and Friends Plan is a way for us to say thank you for your support and to make you feel like a part of a bigger whole, a part of BeCozi family! Every time you buy with us you support a small, U.S.-based, female-owned business and it is thanks to you that we can grow and provide more products and services to others around the world. 

So don't wait - join our community! Sign up for our newsletter above, get your 10% off one time coupon as an extra gift for joining our mailing list, and claim your spot in our gathering of global Hand knitting enthusiasts!

Can't wait to see what you make with your new BeCozi yarn or how you will use your beautiful BeCozi product. 

Stay warm and BeCozi!