It has been 8 days since Russia has invaded Ukraine. The war is on all news channels, we see multiple pictures and videos of violent actions of Russian invaders. As a Ukrainian myself and having relatives and friends in Ukraine, my heart is broken to see what is happening there. Please, pray for Ukraine and the end of this absolutely horrible war killing thousands of people in Ukraine.

BeCozi is NOT a non profit organization but we would like to help Ukrainian people to fight this war with the Russian evil: we help our friend in Ukraine who is a volunteer helping Ukrainian Reserve Army to get some defensive supplies: bulletproof vests, helmets, boots, gloves etc. If you would like to help, please, give any amount you can through PayPal to the email: We just purchased some supplies for the first shipment leaving US on Monday.

If you would like to donate some money to a non profit organization, HERE is a trustful charitable organization in Ukraine - "Support Ukraine" 

We made a few scarves in colors of Ukraine flag, you can purchase it here to support Ukraine:

March 8 has always been a big Holiday in Ukraine and in all European countries - it is the International Women`s Day. This year Ukrainians will not be able to celebrate it but we will celebrate it here, in US: for all women around the world. Use a coupon MARCH8 to get 15% discount on all products (except of Clearance. Patterns and Book)
Sale starts on Saturday, March 5 at 12 a.m. and ends on Sunday. March 6 at 11:59 p.m. You need to enter the coupon at checkout!

Stay warm and BeCozi!
Larissa Koedyker,
Founder and Owner of BeCozi