When Your Kid Is Off To College

Written by Larissa Koedyker

becozi college pride blanket

If you really think about it, life is simply a series of changes. Growth, stability, change, on repeat. We go to school, graduate, move out. We go to college, graduate, move on. We find our vocations, continue on, face another life event or challenge. But that is surely the beauty of life, both in the constancy and the unpredictability. 

This fall my youngest daughter is going off to college and my home will not be the same. I will look around the house, expecting to hear a familiar voice or noise from her upstairs bedroom only to be met with silence. But that is the nature of motherhood - from the very beginning our children grow away from us, towards their own path and that is just as it should be. 

But moving away, growing away doesn't need to mean severing of ties. On the contrary it means the bond will stretch over miles and we will continue building our relationship, even from afar. 

How do you make sure your children remember? Remember what it's like to be a kid, what's it like to be at home, what's it like to be lovingly held by their mom? 

For me, I will give my daughter something that I know, that I create on an everyday basis, something that is familiar to me and that provides her with comfort when she may be feeling homesick and needing a hug. 

I made her a blanket. Lovingly knitted, with the colors of her new school - orange and blue. 

Strand after strand I put my love and affection into each row, watching the blanket grow just as much as my love has for my girl for so many years. 

It brings me joy to think that a piece of me will always be with her, despite the distance and her soon-to-be new and busy life. 

What is something you are going to give your child when he/she is off to college? What will be their reminder of home? Tell us in comments - we'd love to hear your stories. 

To help other moms share themselves with their kids, a DIY College Pride Kit is now available in our store. Pick the two colors of your child's school and pour your love and affection into something handmade, something full of home. 

You can find the kit here. Alternatively our team is happy to knit one for you here.

Don`t forget to use your THANKYOU10 coupon to get 10% off on any product in our store.

Share your stories with us and in the meantime, before your last one is off to college too, hold them tight and strengthen that beautiful bond that will last forever. 

Stay warm and BeCozi, dear moms and all those close to them!Â