Give Yourself the Gift of Comfort

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As humans, we all have basic needs that need to be met in order for us to feel good enough to pursue our leisure.

Our basic need is security. We need to feel safe and secure in our environment in order to properly function. A home that provides a roof over your head, food you can eat and nourish your body with, lack of tigers or bears that may attack you. You know, the basics. 

But you know what comes next? Comfort.

Yes, the comfort of coming home after a long day at work and being able to put on your fuzzy slippers, cuddle with your dog and watch some TV under your favorite BeCozi blanket. The comfort of your children's laughter as they play video games in the next room. The comfort of knowing you have enough financial support to cover your basic needs and then some.

Comfort is the zone we live in when we need a break. When life gets too stressful and you need to take a time out.

Creating a space and making time for comfort is what BeCozi is all about. We are a company wholly focused on bringing comfort to us as a society, one where being busy is glorified to a point where exhaustion is seen as a status symbol. We can do better to take care of ourselves. 

Choosing comfort when you are stressed or need a break can lower your blood pressure and the release of cortisol, the stress hormone. Taking a few deep breaths while in your happy space can reset your whole day into positivity.

That is why we have a line of products that create comfort for you or help you create it for yourself. You can knit with our Merino yarn, Chenille yarn, Vegan or Tube yarns for some stress relief, sleep under one of our amazing blankets, or equip your living room with our ottomans so that everyone is comfortable when they sit. Not to mention the rugs, pillows and knitwear that helps you create that sense of comfort wherever you go.

In other news, please remember that our store schedule has reverted to three days a week, so we are not shipping orders out on Tuesdays or Thursday, your orders will be processed as soon as we are back in the office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If you need an order to be shipped urgently, please let us know at

We are wishing you a weekend full of comfort.

Stay warm and BeCozi!