Good Bye 2019!

It's hard to believe that there are only four days left in the year 2019. Seems only yesterday we were all freshly entering January and making a list of our New Year's resolutions, yet time passes much too fast and here we are, about to complete the cycle and begin anew. 

We thought for our last blog post of the year it would be fun to include some cool tidbits and facts about our year here at BeCozi. It's a chance for you to get a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes at our headquarters and put a more complete picture together of who we are and what we do. 

In no particular order, here is what 2019 had in store for us: 

1. We shipped our orders to over 59 countries around the world and to 18 US armed forces locations around the world. Woah! That's a lot of coziness around the world. 

2. In December we have hit a 113 video mark on YouTube! So many videos for you to choose from when it comes to learning our signature hand-knitting style. 

3. On October 21, 2019 we started building our own building to accommodate our growing yarn supply. 

4. December was our busiest month of the entire year! 

5. Our most popular colors this year were Ivory and Cloud. 

6. The most favorite video was "How to Hand Knit a Round Pillow - 1.1 million views!

7. The project that took the most time to make this year was a custom-ordered round rug with restaurant Hardy`s logo in the middle - the weight of the project was 35 lbs!

8. Our three most popular products this year were 40x60 Jumbo chenille blanketMerino wool cat bed and Chunky chenille yarn 

9. In 2019 we were featured on George Takei again!


We'd call that a pretty amazing year! Thank you to all of you who made it such a wonderful year of fun, excitement and growth. 

Our 2020 resolutions are simple - to continue developing amazing products you love (more on that coming in the New Year), as well as making an easy platform for ordering wholesale for those of you needing that. 

To cap off the year 2019 with a bang, we are throwing one more coupon party this weekend!

Everything is 10% off starting December 28th through December 29 at 11:59 PM. (discount is applied automatically at checkout)

Happy shopping and Happy New Year! We will see you in 2020!