"I have a dream....."

The last 10 days shook our world.  We all have been affected by what is happening in America to the point we almost forgot about the virus! Our hearts and prayers are with our African American citizens. Our thoughts and prayers are also with every person who was hurt in any way during this time.

We find it comforting to look back at one of the greatest people in American history - Martin Luther King; his famuose phrases might be something we need during this challenging time for our country.

The whole world feels like it is on fire............ The good news is - after every fire there is an opportunity to rebuild and to regrow. We would like to beleive that this is our opportunity to come together and rebuild our country to make a dream of Mr. King come true.

 This year was quite difficult for all of us mentally. Make sure to find a way to release the stress and to find peace in your mind and soul. Turn off TV and put your cell phone away for a bit: relax, meditate, got for a walk, read a book. And knit. We all know how soothing and calming knitting can be. 

Stay safe!

BeCozi team