We will get through this together!

Last a few weeks have been a challenging time for everyone.  Nobody really knows what happens in the next few weeks or even months, but, together, we will get through this!

BeCozi office is open but with only one person at the building to ship the orders. Our Knitting Assistant is knitting orders at home.  We appreciate your patience and understanding because it takes a little longer for your order to be processed and shipped to you: 2-3 business days instead of 1-2 days.  If you have any questions, please email us at info@becozi.net.  

We know how much people need some yarn and needles at this time to help them cope with the extra anxiety and stress they might feel. It also feels so great to create something beautiful yourself!

We are happy to play a role in helping you through this time.  We will do our best to ship your orders on time. 

They say bad times bring out the good in people.  We hear stories about people volunteering during this time, thousands of crafty women sew masks and donate them to local hospitals and people in their neighborhoods. Local business in Grand Rapids, MI area is fixing roofs for free for those whose roofs are in bad condition.

BeCozi donated about 3,000 masks and 500 pairs of gloves to a few hospitals in Detroit, the part of Michigan that was affected by the virus the most; and also to a local hospital and a hospice. 

We are planning to post a few new video tutorials to keep you busy during the “stay-at-home” time.

We hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy. And also having hope and faith that we will go through this time together and will get our normal life back soon!

Larissa Koedyker and BeCozi team