Welcome to BeCozi

Biggest Source of Chunky Yarns, Luxury Blankets and DIY Kits

Hand Knitting Was Born Here

Our Products

Shop our cozy products or make one yourself!

Humble Beginnings

BeCozi was born in the beautiful, yet bitter cold of West Michigan in 2015

The owner and founder - Larissa Koedyker - had to close her adoption consulting business due to changes in US adoption law. While looking for a new path in life...

February 2025

801,202+ miles

How far our packages traveled in February 2025

What our customers are saying!

I want to thank you so much for this beautiful and bright bit cozy yarn. The bright pink is awesome, the yellow is like the sunshine, the purple is the royalty my son and two grandsons were asking to have in their blankets. You have not disappointed, only made like GRAND. Thank you again!


I have become a huge fan of your videos and am absolutely loving making these throws. I don't consider myself super crafty, but your videos make it so easy! I am hooked!!!


You are indeed a pleasure dealing with. Please know how good it is dealing with a company that cares and does not hesitate to communicate and please their customers.


I am thankful for all the work Larissa does for BeCozi. She is very generous with her time.


I want to thank BeCozi for their excellent customer service. I will surely share with others who hand knit what a wonderful company they are. Their products are of such quality, their website is so helpful along with the videos that I learn from.


I am so thankful to Larissa for opening up my world again to being able to create things with my own two hands. I hope anyone who hesitates to do this will give it a try.


There is a distinguishable difference in the quality of the chunky chenille yarn sold by your company and that of many other products carried in the larger chain craft stores. Your customer care is amazing as well and I am happy to support a small business owner who is so passionate about her business. IAs one of your customers, I am very happy to be part of that for a long time to come.


I am always so very impressed with how quickly you ship my order and the quality and value is great!
